Ctrl Paint 3D For Illustrators 02: Whats Possible __EXCLUSIVE__
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Continuing on the 3D path, sometimes the most important lesson is 'what's possible' Instead of getting specific on the tools and menu items, this series showcases powerful workflows and best-practices. This hour of video distills many of my biggest 3D breakthroughs into clear, high-level, summaries. We explore ideas like object ID maps, HDRI environments, fixed camera positions, instancing, and many others. Hopefully those topics are completely foreign to you: many powerful tools are hidden behind technical sounding names, and are hard to discover on your own. (Note: This is also available as part of the 3D Paintover Starter Kit.)
When using the Paint Tools, you might find it easier to paint over what you would like to erase than to try and erase it using Shift + Left Mouse Button.
Currently this only works to one texture (channel) at a time to my knowledge. Trying to paint PBR decals is something that needs to be possible (ie paint color, normal, height, roughness, metallic channels all together when painting stencils/decals).
This is the good point for accessorizing, before you continue adding more details and color. I wanted things like pants, shirt, a belt and guns. In Fig.06, you see the shirt painted on top of the model. To do this, you basically need to mask the part you want to turn into clothing, select the Standard brush, set the stroke to freehand and, by pressing ctrl, paint the mask where you want it to become clothes. 153554b96e