FSX - Switzerland Professional X Easy Install Latest Version
The BRUNNER CLS-E NG Yoke is supporting single as well as dual pilot applications. A unique real-time yoke synchronization logic enables unmatched and automatic pilot/co-pilot take-over functionality. On Top, CLS-E NG simulates and represents various functions like autopilot and trim and allows for easy and fast installation and setup through real Plug- and Play capability. Enabled by our CLS2Sim software-environment, the CLS-E NG Yoke communicates easily with commercially available simulation software such as X-Plane, MS-FSX, Microsoft FS2020, and Prepar3D®. Any third party flight simulation solution connects via a simple TCP/IP or UDP remote interface protocol.
It's likely (even though you are reading about FSX) that you have moved over to the new MSFS platform already - or at least given it an install and play around. If so, you may be interested to know that we are now supporting this new simulator in our add-ons library. You can view all of the latest MSFS add-ons in our library here (just like FSX). Expect it to grow exponentially over the coming months.
Steams version of FSX known as FSX-SE has so far for me been a good experience, to me it is FSX on steroids or what FSX should have evolved to when being produced by Microsoft. Visual sim rate wise it works like a champ, I have mine set to 30 FPS and even when flying out of JFK or making an approach into Boston-Logan the frame rates are very acceptable and that is with Electronic Flight Bag, FSX-SE Next weather program, Traffic-360, and all while flying Aerosoft Airbus A320.FSX-SE for now cannot do what either P3D or X-Plane can do, and that is officially be considered a platform that you can log real world flight simulation time for your FAA requirements. As far as who has the better visuals for right now I have to give to P3D but with the latest changes to FSX-SE, I would have to say the short comings are not as vast.Price wise I have to give it to FSX-SE, very much easier on the pocket book.Updates, this I again I have to give it to FSX-SE, if Dovetail has a mod to the platform they change it automatically and to the program they make it very easy to fix and not make you have to do a complete reinstall.Another great thing I have seen is the ability to purchase and add on missions. I have both P3D ver 2.5 and the latest version of FSX-SE installed, my predicament from choosing just one sim is that of interchangeability, certain flight sims like Captain Sim work fine for FSX-SE where as for P3D, no. Unless I want to purchase that model that has been reworked to run on that platform. Slowly but surely the 3rd party software makers are incorporating FSX-SE into their software changes. Eventually just like when I deleted FSX from my hard drive for good I will have to weigh the choice of removing either FSX-SE or P3D and that will be based on a sim platform that has a future that is being supported, and is very stable. I look forward to the day when fellow simmers will talk about FSX-SE if it should happen as well as they do about FS9 or Microsoft Flight 2004.What will make FSX-SE a flight sim to recon with is when they can make an add-on that with a little work could transform FS9 panels and be able to create panels form scratch without having to know how to code. Then I think we will see and explosion of freeware that just like FS5 through FS10, made the ranks of fellow simmers swell and the 3rd party retailers come out with some quality sims add ons.
Great work from dovetail games. I have been using FSX till 2006 and I faced a lot of problems especially memory crashes and now with Steam edition I faced no problems. Also it is very easy to move FSX:SE from one folder to another since it is wrapped by steam. Second is better fps because of directx 10 support. All addons (FSUIPC, EZDOK, Aerosoft Aircrafts, PMDG 738, Aerosoft Scenery and all other scenery (Megasceneryearth and others) works perfectly. Be sure to uninstall FSX first and then Install FSX:SE so it will create and use original FSX folders where you do not need to do background work. Best I only paid nothing with the very first day promo. And also all my devices (Saitek (I have all), Trackir5, , Plan-G etc. works.
I was not going to swap to steam untill i had a big crash(too many addons)i had to reistal lgold, so i thought give steam edition a go. I then uninstalled my Fsx gold (I was either going to be a hero or an idiot) I download steam edition. no troubles so far, and loaded Orbx global( cant fly without that)Everything worked as it should with everything cranked up as far as it would go.Amazing fps rates doubled in a lot of cases .I changed the new settings in Air Hauler no problems at all, Addit pro only required a minor change and chocks up wheels away. I have loaded some missions and thru addit pro some 20 rotary and fixed wing aircraft so far with no problems at all. I know that sooner or later i will strike one that will not work,but i am sure it will be an easy fix.I am running an intel i7-3770, GTX 660, 16 Mb ram. On the whole I would definately reccomend the swichCheers Brian garbutt
As many BVA members know, Boston Virtual ARTCC has been proud to offer the community an integrated and easy-to-install set of models that are used to depict the other aircraft you see while flying online.
The installer will serve as an easy to use tool to install, and update BVAI. When new versions become available you will notice a number discrepancy between "My Version" and "Latest Version." When this happens just press the update button, and wait a minute or two for BVAI to be updated. P3D users will find additional functionality as they are able to place BVAI anywhere they desire. The installer will create an addons.xml file that connects the BVAI package to P3D V4, without the package hogging up space in your P3D main folder. FSX and FSX steam users will not benefit from the same functionality as FSX does not utilize this feature, however BVAI will install just fine into the main FSX folder. For those FSX users that wish to place the BVAI package into somewhere other than the FSX/Sim Objects folder, you will have to edit the fsx.cfg to reflect this. We will provide instructions on how to do so. Also note, the Release date on the picture above was the release date of the last beta version.
4. While installing BVAI, it will show "My Version" as -1 with the latest version as four (or higher than that). This is completely normal. -1 really means you do not have BVAI installed yet. Once you install BVAI, that -1 will change to whatever the latest version is.
b. P3D V4 users, please be sure you have the latest Beta version of Vpilot installed. v2.1.10 Beta adds the ability to detect SimObject paths via the addon.xml files, which we use to connect BVAI to P3D and Vpilot.
BVAI Open Beta Version 5 is now available in the BVAI Operations Center. This update will serve as a test to make sure the update funciton is working, and will also fix a few minor bugs found by you guys. All you have to do to download and install the latest update is access the Ops Center. Once the Ops Center loads, you will be prompted to install the update. Press OK, then press that Update button, and grab a drink. The following items have been fixed:
BVAI Open Beta Version 6 is now available in the BVAI Operations Center. Should be just shy of 50 changes in total. All you have to do to download and install the latest update is access the Ops Center. Once the Ops Center loads, you will be prompted to install the update. Press OK, then press that Update button, and grab a drink. The following items have been fixed:
BVAI Open Beta Version 7 is now available in the BVAI Operations Center. Should be about 54 changes in total. All you have to do to download and install the latest update is access the Ops Center. Once the Ops Center loads, you will be prompted to install the update. Press OK, then press that Update button, and grab a drink. The following items have been fixed: 2b1af7f3a8