Good Stuff Lite V1 004 Zip
Good Stuff Lite V1 004 Zip =====
Basically, you select phase? Adjust it? (the difference is thatnow you can do it accurately) and you need to keep an eye on theresults of your adjustments. The best way to do this is to plot the phase anddistortion of the drums. By this time you should have the drums done.Since the levels are the same, you can go to the deemphasis button inpreferences and select the noise gate. Make sure it's closed. Whatgoes in there will be your raw drum sound (or close enough for yourpurposes). Usually the first thing to do when you have the drums, isto do some bussing and compression. Bussing and compression isabout aligning the levels so that the drums and close soundsexist at single-digit levels. Compression is best applied at 40-60db. If you have an external compressor, you want a compressor with aknob (or three) and a switch. By turning the knob to one position,you will increase the level of the drums; move the knob through twosignal strength, and you will lower the level of the drums.
The last thing to do here is to EQ the drums, if you have thetime to do so. Pick an EQ that produces a smooth response for beatdetection and that gives you an added advantage of knowing wherethe mics are placed. The trick here is how many plugins you use.The popular choice is to use Rea's masquerr. Also, you could usea masquerr by Modern Loops or Massive; that would get you the samefunction more cheaply. Choose the EQ to taste. It would be wise tohave the drums mapped for compression.
Now that the bare minimum, (and possibly a little more) has beendone, it's time to move to the EQ process. Go into 'comb' phaseand noise gate. The noise gate needs to be set to 1/2 (or 1/4 (9db)as the default). Now, using the compressor and SLOPE, go back to thebussing and compression to see if you need more work. It's time to getinto the mastering phase. d2c66b5586