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Interpersonal Communication: A Mindful Approach to Relationships helps readers examine their own one-on-one communicative interactions using a mindfulness lens. The writing team of Jason S. Wrench, Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter, and Katherine Thweatt incorporates the latest communication theory and research to help students navigate everyday interpersonal interactions. The 14 chapters in this book cover topics typically taught in an undergraduate interpersonal communication course: family interactions, interpersonal dynamics, language, listening, nonverbal communication, and romantic relationships, as well as exploring emerging areas such as self-compassion, body positivity, friendships, and \\u201cthe dark side\\u201d. The writing takes on a purposefully informal tone to engage readers. Each chapter is broken into different sections that have unique instructional outcomes, key takeaways, and exercises, and concludes with real-world case studies and sample quiz questions. Also included is\\u00a0 an extensive glossary with over 350 definitions.\",\"image\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/app\\/uploads\\/sites\\/246\\/2021\\/04\\/ICcover-scaled.jpg\",\"author\":[{\"@type\":\"Person\",\"name\":\"Jason S. Wrench\",\"slug\":\"jason-wrench\"},{\"@type\":\"Person\",\"name\":\"Narissra M. Punyanunt-Carter\",\"slug\":\"narissra-m-punyanunt-carter\"},{\"@type\":\"Person\",\"name\":\"Katherine S. Thweatt\",\"slug\":\"katherine-s-thweatt\"}],\"editor\":[],\"translator\":[],\"reviewedBy\":[],\"illustrator\":[],\"contributor\":[],\"about\":[{\"@type\":\"Thing\",\"identifier\":\"GTC\",\"name\":\"Communication studies\"}],\"license\":{\"@type\":\"CreativeWork\",\"url\":\"https:\\/\\/\\/licenses\\/by-nc-sa\\/4.0\\/\",\"name\":\"CC BY-NC-SA (Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike)\",\"code\":\"CC BY-NC-SA\"},\"bookDirectoryExcluded\":false,\"language\":{\"@type\":\"Language\",\"code\":\"en\",\"name\":\"English\"}}:root{--primary:#0a0000;--accent:#466b87;--primary-fg:#ffffff;--accent-fg:#ffffff;--primary-dark:#006496;--accent-dark:#013542;--primary-alpha:rgba(10,0,0,0.25);}:root{--reading-width:48em;}(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)})(window,document,'script','','ga');ga('create', 'UA-156287455-1', 'auto');ga('send', 'pageview');Skip to contentToggle MenuPrimary Navigation
Furthermore, even though norms are social phenomena propagated through communication, the extent to which interpersonal communication modifies the relationship between descriptive norms and behaviors has also not received adequate attention in the literature. In this paper, we seek to understand the underlying process and also test the proposition that the interaction between descriptive norms and interpersonal communication will be such that higher levels of contraceptive use will be observed among those who perceive higher levels of use among their peers and amongst those who engage in higher levels of discussion about contraceptive use.
Our hypotheses in Study 1 were two-fold. First, we proposed that the association between descriptive norms and modern contraceptive use would be greater when injunctive norms were strong (as compared to when they were weak). Second, we also proposed that the association between descriptive norms and modern contraceptive use would be greater when interpersonal communication was high (as compared to when it was low).
Logistic regression was used to assess main-effects and interaction effects. Interaction effects were tested by including the cross-product in the regression model that included the two corresponding main-effects (between descriptive norms and injunctive norms and between descriptive norms and interpersonal communication).
Zero-order correlations were computed across all variables to assess overlapping variance. Table 2 shows that all demographic variables, interpersonal communication, and norms-related variables were significantly associated with use of modern contraceptives. This table also shows that, besides a high correlation between age and parity, as expected, the remaining correlations were small and there was little problem with multicollinearity for the multivariate analyses.
The descriptive norm and injunctive norm interaction term was significant only for single-parity women. The descriptive norm and interpersonal communication interaction term was significant across all three parity groups (Table 3). Further analysis of interaction patterns showed that among single parity women, the association between descriptive norms and contraceptive use was stronger when injunctive norms were strong than when injunctive norms were weak (Fig. 1). Similarly, the association between descriptive norms and modern contraceptive use was greater when interpersonal communication was high than when interpersonal communication was low. These patterns of interactions are shown in Fig. 2.
Beyond the propagation of norms, the process, quality, and sources of interpersonal communication that sensitize men and women to contraceptives may affect behavior. In particular, the perceived accuracy of information received by women living in the urban Uttar Pradesh context does not always affect family planning norms uniformly. Irrespective of media or social rhetoric showing family planning in a positive light, adoption of a particular method may be inhibited at the individual level by sharing of negative experiences of family and friends. For example, though many men and women reported condom use as their main method of birth control, myths or negative perceptions continue to limit use. Also, negative experiences of individuals may easily perpetuate norms in a community context, as demonstrated in the following example of IUDs.
It appears that the primary mechanism through which these norms were disseminated in the community was through interpersonal communication. Regardless of whether certain methods were objectively harmful or risky, their use was governed, to a large extent, by norms perpetuated through interpersonal communication within the community. This is in line with other research [16, 31] showing that discussions among members of a social group often serve to disseminate norms that, in turn, affect social behaviors.
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which findings about the relationship between descriptive and injunctive norms, observed in previous studies for other health domains, would also manifest in understanding the use of modern contraceptive methods. We also sought to gain a better understanding about the role of interpersonal communication in normative influences. Quantitative data showed that interpersonal discussions, though low in magnitude, were significantly associated with modern family planning use across all parity groups. Descriptive norms and injunctive norms were associated with modern family planning use for only the high-parity groups. Analyses also revealed that the interaction between norms and interpersonal communication were associated with modern family planning use across all parity groups.
The theory of normative social behavior (TNSB) posits that the influence of descriptive norms on behavior is modified by interpersonal communication and injunctive norms, among others. Support for the first proposition was stronger than that for the moderating role of injunctive norms, but it appears that the TNSB can provide a meaningful lens through which to view contraception-related decision-making. One of the key functions of interpersonal discussion is to transmit information about norms in a community [17]. It is through discussions that individuals come to learn about both the behaviors of others in their social environment and the collective opinions that govern the appropriateness of those behaviors. Thus, it is not surprising that, in our study, interpersonal communication served to boost the influence of descriptive norms on contraceptive behavior.
Qualitative methods adopted in this study enabled us to gain a better understanding about the prevailing norms and patterns of interpersonal communication that perpetuate those norms. Our data suggested that joint families may have a dynamic that differs from nuclear families and that newly married couples may be more influenced by negative prejudices around delayed childbearing and be obliged to have at least one child before seeking family planning services.
Given the influence of interpersonal communication in propagating norms, the accuracy of information disseminated in a community must be of particular concern to public health professionals. Inaccurate information, in our case, negative side effects of certain contraceptives experienced by a minority of users, can be perpetuated in a community and this can take on a life of its own. This social amplification of risk through mass media and other communication networks, for example, is a subject that scholars have long recognized [32]. Our findings add to that literature by recognizing the role of perceived norms in that process. They also point to the need for public health professionals to be cognizant about dominant narratives that exist in a community that may facilitate or hinder intervention goals.
The interaction effect between interpersonal communication and descriptive norms reinforces the idea that discussions can serve to propagate normative influences in a community. Indeed, unlike laws that are explicitly codified in society, and whose infractions provide well-calibrated sanctions and punishment, norms are socially negotiated, understood, and implemented. Discussions between members of the community serve this social function: it is through discussions that norms derive their meaning.
Interpersonal communication is the process by which people exchange information through verbal and nonverbal messages. It is an unmediated mode of communication that occurs when we interact and attempt to mutually influence each other, simultaneously, in order to manage relationships. Although interpersonal communication can encompass oral, written, and non-verbal forms of communication, the term is usually applied to spoken communication that takes place between two or more individuals on a personal or face-to-face level. Examples of Interpersonal Communication include: 153554b96e