Lockdir 5.7 Full Version
Lockdir 5.7 Full Version ===== https://tlniurl.com/2taqyx
Each line in the loginfo file consists of aregular expression and a command-line template. Thetemplate must include a program name, and can includeany number of arguments. The full path to the currentlog message template file is appended to the template.
Say you have been working on someextremely experimental software, based on whateverrevision you happened to checkout last week. Ifothers in your group would like to work on thissoftware with you, but without disturbingmain-line development, you could commit yourchange to a new branch. Otherswill then checkout your experimental stuff andutilize the full benefit of CVS conflictresolution. The scenario might look like:
The lock file must be present if the lock directory is to be used (seesection 4.4.2 The Spool Directory). This is normally achieved byconfiguring the `lockdir' command in the `config' file (see section 5.6.1Miscellaneous config File Commands).
It is noteworthy that most patients who relapsed were treated with a cyclic hyperfractionation schedule, which represents a good compromise between the cure rates that have been obtained and the toxicity of the treatment. The differences in survival times in patients with relapses in first CR were not significant.
Conclusions: The FJD-68 regimen improved survival of patients with ALL in comparison to those treated with the BFM protocols. The BFM-90 regimen, however, offers a higher number of patients with long-term survival. Drug resistance is the most frequent cause of relapse after therapy cessation. In conjunction with novel agents, the FJD-68 regimen may be useful for further improving survival in this group of patients.
Result: Fourteen patients relapsed after CR had been maintained for a median time of 39 months (range 19-75); 5 patients had a relapse after 27 months (range 4-44) of therapy cessation and another 7 did so after 60 months (range 49-71). Three of the latter relapsed into the CNS and died. The median survival was 39 months (95% confidence interval 30-48). Five out of 15 patients with relapses developed drug resistance.
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