PDF Bible New Living Translation NLT Full
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Let's put the text into the SOURCEBELT Bible Program, track from the original text, and see where that word is changed. You can see that the example in verse 8, the Word Study program highlights all of these potential mistranslations.
So what we're looking for is a second edition translation. This one is the New King James Version. But that's our preferred translation. So we can either use the translation tools in the Bible program, or we can just choose the Language dialog from the top menu and then go to the translation options and just choose Multilingual, and then either the multilingual version or the second edition, as appropriate. So if we choose the second edition translation, you'll see that these errors are fixed.
Second, the best way to find and correct mistranslations is to track from the original text. With that in mind, you'll also notice that the very first steps are to identify and highlight the potential mistranslations.
So let's track back to the original English text by tapping on the word in the original liturgy text, then tap on the word in the original text, and then tap Track to source, and you'll see there are multiple translation candidates here, for instance, the word change.
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