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The aim of the practicals in this book is to provide a concise, yet rich, toolset in the speciality that is not only relevant to the undergraduate medical student but is also, in many cases, essential for the objective assessment of the student's competence at the end of the course. The purpose was to provide the "tried and tested" model which is relevant and easily applicable to an undergraduate medical curriculum which does not have much time for tutorials. These practicals are the most current, the most practical, the most imperfect and the most relevant for "the present and the future".
The practical courses include practicals in bedside pharmacology/allergy/GIT/bacteriology/MVT/neurology/motor/genetics/urology/pulmonary/cardiology/neuroimaging and the speciality practicals for each speciality. This book makes a very good reference book on clinical physiology and basic laboratory investigations which can be used in the teaching and training of the junior medical students. It has extensively adopted the most recently created practicals which have been devised by attending teachers. The purpose of this book is not only to give a reference guide for the book, but also, to provide a succinct coverage of the physiology which an undergraduate medical student requires. It also acts as the reference book for junior doctors, in the same way as the consultants'. The book is essentially a quick ân assigned text in the Junior doctor's course.
The author hopes that the contributors may be able to contribute to make this book a more viable reference book for all. The author has tried to make it as a suitable reference for medical students. All the practicals have been described on appropriate page number. Emphasis has also been given to estimate the level of practicals which can be achieved through self-guided study of the text book. d2c66b5586