Tantra Shastra Malayalam.pdf [EXCLUSIVE]
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The word tantra became a technical term for both the Buddhist and Hindu tantric texts (the two groups differed from one another in the names of their deities and in their ritual practice). In the Indian tradition of Tantra, it came to mean both the Tantras and the esoteric practitioners of Tantra, and the word Tantra came to denote both the manual craft of the Texts and the metaphysical theory connected to them. The Tantras were not only considered esoteric texts but also were viewed as embodying the highest spiritual teaching, the very essence of the spirit of the Buddha. Most of the texts of the Hindus are also included in the list of Tantras.
In the third century CE texts of the Middle-Yugoslavian culture, the word tantra has remained a synonym of “primordial energy”, although only in the Pali translations of the Buddhist tantras.[144] According to the medieval theory, the Sanskrit term tantra is a compound of tan (to touch, to get hold of) and tra (to weave, to join together). As a result of this theory, the word was associated with the craft of brahmins, who were well-versed in the art of weaving and hence were called tantrikas.
In the Indian Buddhist cosmology tantra refers to mantras which are spoken through the sound current of the cosmos, and are in fact the radiance of the cosmos. One is said to be a practitioner of Tantra when one speaks the mantras of the cosmos with conviction, and that results in the worldly and transcendental aims of that person.
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